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Tetra Tech Indo-Pacific

Start Your Career at Tetra Tech

Graduating students celebrating by tossing their mortarboards

Tetra Tech values all students and new graduates interested in pursuing a career in international development.

We have a range of opportunities for students and graduates worldwide. Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of international development before finishing your degree or pursue learning and growth as an early career professional.

Student sitting on a chair smiling at the camera

An impactful internship

Our team based in South Australia welcomes student interns to contribute to meaningful projects and bodies of work. Students in their second or third year of University of Adelaide’s International Development program are invited to apply.

Three people gathered and conversing within an office environment

Students and graduates

In a graduate role at Tetra Tech, you’ll join a leading global development consulting firm that supports you to be your best. We offer international development graduate programs across 80 countries worldwide for values-led early career professionals.

Start your career in international development.

Join a collaborative team invested in your success

Pursue a career dedicated to learning and growth opportunities, while working alongside experts in our various sectors.

It has been an honour to be a part of such an incredible and supportive group of people. The work culture here is great! It is very inclusive and everyone has your back.

Black and white headshot of Michaela Gill

Michaela Gill
Bachelor of International Development

Our featured projects

Pioneering a Social Impact Investment Market in the Pacific

Enhancing Disaster Response Capacity in the Pacific

Scaling Humanitarian Impact Through Expert Deployments

Connect with us

Follow us on social media for job opportunities, events and news and insights from our leading experts.

Create a sustainable future with us

Our people around the world are supporting our mission and vision for a sustainable world. Join us today.
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