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Tetra Tech Indo-Pacific

Future Economies

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Tetra Tech designs and delivers solutions to spark economic growth and foster prosperous communities.

The Indo-Pacific region is going through a period of enormous change and the future economies of this region will lead the new wave of global growth and development.

Economies that create new jobs and business opportunities are essential for reducing poverty and fostering more stable societies. Economies of the region require effective government frameworks to flourish.

Tetra Tech provides management and administrative support to help government agencies improve their policies, streamline processes and strengthen oversight for better governance stronger business-enabling environments. We work with international and local partners to support the implementation of trade initiatives and enhance the business capabilities within these economies. We are a leading delivery partner on Australia’s support to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as the region becomes the fourth largest economy. Our creative, integrated solutions optimise resources to enhance economic development outcomes.

The “GRID” approach

Our vision for the ‘Future Economies Practice’ is to contribute towards green, resilient, inclusive, and digital (GRID) economies that support economic recovery and create economic stability, sustainable jobs, and income growth in the Indo-Pacific region. Our approach leverages knowledge, experience and skills built over Tetra Tech’s 40 years of international development work. It comprises a trinity of domains – economic development, trade and investment, and value analytics – that together, bring cohesion and coherence to a program of work aimed at improving economic outcomes and building a future of collective well-being.

Graphic illustration of Tetra Tech's GRID (Green, Resilient, Inclusive, and Digital) framework
Graphic illustration of Tetra Tech's GRID (Green, Resilient, Inclusive, and Digital) framework

Recognising deep interconnections between the global economic landscape and the political, social, and environmental sectors, our approach aims to catalyse collective engagement of government, private sector, beneficiary communities and independent organisations to support development in complex and developing economies.

Where we work

Southeast Asia is crucial to international trade as the fourth largest economic region globally, and the Future Economies team acknowledges the necessity of promoting economic diplomacy while strengthening economic growth and resilience to achieve sustainable development and enhance cooperation among its member countries. In addition to our current focus on ASEAN, we are providing targeted solutions in dynamic Pacific countries to enhance regional collaboration further and drive sustainable economic growth.

Discover Tetra Tech’s economic growth work around the world.

Our future economies lead

Black and white headshot of Danura Miriyagalla

Danura Miriyagalla

Danura Miriyagalla is the director of future economies services and regional director for Asia in our Indo-Pacific international development practice.

View LinkedIn profile.

Our featured future economies highlights

Strengthening ASEAN Integration and Cooperation through Aus4ASEAN Futures

Maritime Security: Changing the Narrative in the Pacific

Delivering Advisory Services to Bolster Indonesia’s Cattle Industry

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